Project Timeline v.2

Fall 2020


  • Shoot as much footage from now until W14; while the weather is still bearable 
  • Ask for a field recorder 
  • Produce a short example video by October 11 as a test run/proto-prototype
  • Weekly Journal entry 
  • Contact urban gardens to see I can photograph them/speak with them (will give them any photos I take if they wish)


  • Use the weekends to drive to the outskirts of the city for different location shoots 
  • Establish an organizing system for video/images/audio —> use a hard drive 
  • If urban garden(s) respond, then establish dates to meet (hopefully week 8-10)
  • Weekly Journal entry 


  • Begin to develop Narrator text. I’m still oscillating between having one voice/multiple voices. I think multiple voices but one “main” voice as a constant. I would also like to include different languages. 
    • Who are my Characters? 
    • What is the Tone?
    • Found-text?
  • Begin to extrapolate iconography from footage for editing 


  • Continue to work on text 
  • Continue editing 


  • Edit text 
  • Continue editing