
Journal Entry 6: The Growing Pains of Emerging Adulthood

On Techonology Just want to start off by saying that I am still formulating my own viewpoint on this topic. I’m using this conversation between the more grounded media theorist Douglas Rushkoff and the enthusiastic tech futurist Jason Silva. I find their observations and riffing to be amusing as I feel like these are the …

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Journal Entry 5: Color and Storytelling

During class, we were asked to evaluate the following questions: What are your technical concerns? Venturing out to locations Filming in the cold Printing and layout 2. What are your conceptual concerns? Emotional range Authenticity and Relate-ability 3. Existential concerns? What it looks like in my head vs What it actually looks like Actually, I …

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Journal Entry 3: Rogue Rebel Renegade Penguin

Currently working on: The methodology portion of the proposal Filmed some shots on my phone (~8 min of test footage but most of it is poo :X) Moving through some documentaries Manufactured Landscapes Encounters at the End of the Earth Lo and Behold, Reveries of the Connected World (TO WATCH) Koyaanisqatsi ???Being more intentional with …

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