

Journal Entry 6: The Growing Pains of Emerging Adulthood

On Techonology Just want to start off by saying that I am still formulating my own viewpoint on this topic. I’m using this conversation between the more grounded media theorist Douglas Rushkoff and the enthusiastic tech futurist Jason Silva. I find their observations and riffing to be amusing as I feel like these are the …

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Journal Entry 5: Color and Storytelling

During class, we were asked to evaluate the following questions: What are your technical concerns? Venturing out to locations Filming in the cold Printing and layout 2. What are your conceptual concerns? Emotional range Authenticity and Relate-ability 3. Existential concerns? What it looks like in my head vs What it actually looks like Actually, I …

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Journal Entry 3: Rogue Rebel Renegade Penguin

Currently working on: The methodology portion of the proposal Filmed some shots on my phone (~8 min of test footage but most of it is poo :X) Moving through some documentaries Manufactured Landscapes Encounters at the End of the Earth Lo and Behold, Reveries of the Connected World (TO WATCH) Koyaanisqatsi ???Being more intentional with …

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Journal Entry 1: Narratives in the Anthropocene?

As I research all the things related to the Anthropocene, I’m struck by the use of language. Critique. Normative Claim. Maxim. Narrative. Futurity. Acceleration. There’s definitely more words that stood out to me but I honestly can’t remember all of them. Some writings are clear and concise. Others feel overly-verbose to the point that I …

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Practice Project Proposal

Appropriated Process Photography  Our technology has allowed for the rapid creation and dissemination of images. With this comes an overabundance of the production of existing images. This project is an exploration into the process of appropriation through the inversion of colors. Project will consist of digital and physical manipulation of existing images. Photos will be …

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Do It At Home II

PROJECT #6 Looking inward. Taking a few deep breaths…4 7 8 Looking inward. My alien is pretty cute. The other thinks my alien is cute. The other is me. But I’m also the alien. Or is the alien not really me? “Two times the cute” says the alien. I had to look up what a …

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