
Journal Entry 4.5: In sickness and in health.

I got sick 🙁 Thankfully it was not COVID. But it was enough to put me in the E.R. for days. Truly the scariest thing to ever happen to me in my life up until this point. Not a good time :(( Part of me wishes I could have filmed inside the hospital but that would be very disrespectful. So I will describe it here in a short paragraph:

People coughing. Disgusting noises. Some of them mine. Pghlem. People being rolled out. Slowly. Quickly. Ringing in my ears. Phones going off every two minutes. Nurses in turquoise scrubs with bags under their eyes. A guy with a massive half-face respirator walking around. The last thing I remember is him telling me to lie back down and sleep.

I can only thank God for full recovery (+ those Nurses in turquoise scrubs with bags under their eyes.)

In better news, I did my presentation for the capstone project. I sent out some necessary emails. My cousin is a big photo person so I gave him a call and he agreed to help me out with some equipment (a medium format camera, a scanner for film negatives, and some other equipment he invested in).

I also conjured up a FANCY title a la Pinterest search for interesting words: METANOIA.



Learn to pronounce


1. change in one’s way of life resulting from penitence or spiritual conversion.”what he demanded of people was metanoia, repentance, a complete change of heart”

late 19th century: from Greek, from metanoein ‘change one’s mind’.

Definitions from Oxford Languages

I keep getting excited about my project. I think this consistent feeling is a good thing.

Here are some fever dream notes I re-typed:


Dedicate your life to improving the lives of others. Stay conscious of your actions for the good of mankind. Offer your time/charity to someone in need. Create a random act of kindness calendar.


Words for title:



The Truth of Everything (sounds too much like The Theory of Everything)




Keep the voice recording app open to record self-thinking ideas out loud (related and unrelated)

Writing a love story outside of the common trope of two lovers falling in love with a beginning, middle, end. Rather, create a story of vignetted moments of a love story embedded within unrelated images. For narrative inspiration, re-read House on Mango Street. Create the story without much explanation.

-A look into the many kinds of “loves” such as Agape love.

-Filming the seasons. The trees and their changing leaves. Filming the change in light indoors and outdoors as the seasons change.

-What constitutes the seasons: time of day, colors, locations

-4 types:




agape/spring/lilac,yellow,explosion of colors

-Ask brother to compose a musical score.

Story outline:

-Eros: a search for love. the more one searches the more it eludes you

-Storge: the love and empathy twins have for one another

-Philia: an ugly, old dog. a celibate/hermit priest and a nun that brings him daily bread

-Agape: the voice of a child in the womb and their love for the unseen Earth

*Color Board

*Print stuff out and hang it in your room to look at daily w. post-it notes at desk (CHECK)

*Prep layout for booklet.

**Look into font styles

*Soundtrack: Piano, violin, flute, uke, kalimba, synths…is silence better? (non diegetic vs diegetic sound)

To do:

*Make a mood board for the Story

*Set out 2 hours every day to write (Fully write at least 3x a week after working out)

*Paint a painting for the Story

*Make a short song(s) on the Kalimba for each type of love

*Make some collage art related to these concepts

I used to think luck was what led people to do/make cool stuff. But it’s actually hard work, dedication, and always pushing yourself forward. Luck might be the 10th on the list.

If I/others can’t see themselves reflected in the work then there is no point in me making this. I want to make this work as honest as it can be.

Music on rotation:

In sickness and in health,

Much Love,


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