
Journal Entry 6: The Growing Pains of Emerging Adulthood

On Techonology

Just want to start off by saying that I am still formulating my own viewpoint on this topic. I’m using this conversation between the more grounded media theorist Douglas Rushkoff and the enthusiastic tech futurist Jason Silva. I find their observations and riffing to be amusing as I feel like these are the kinds of things that I’ve thought about myself at some point.

Right from the start, Silva opens the discussion with a punch of flavorful words describing the technological experience akin to a drug-induced spiritual awakening. A deep investment in the digital realm is akin to leaving behind reality. To bypass life for the outer simulated stimulation.

Towards the end, I was really put off by Rushkoff’s lackadaisical view of jobs. It really stung to hear him say “who the hell wants a job”. Well, I think many people wish they could have some kind of income and make some kind of contribution. I would be lying if I said that the adolescent part of me doesn’t resonate with that sentiment.


I’m trying to figure out if there are more narrative structures beyond Oneiric ones.

Perhaps something akin to dancing?

“Have you ever tried to dance?”

“I used to”

When I think of dancing as storytelling, the role of the ballet dancer comes to mind. There are many other forms of dance of course.

When I think of the Anthropocene, I wonder if dance could be a way to express certain feelings in relation to the topic. I think that the more I develop this video essay, the more I think about my role in the present moment and less about the future “moment”.

  • What are we doing now to each other? To the planet? To ourselves?
  • What am I doing with my knowledge, experience, and skills?
  • Where can I best put them to use?
  • Who is in need of information and in what ways can they best be presented?
  • What needs to be said? What needs to be let go of?
  • What needs to change in me?

Much Love,


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