
Journal Entry 5: Color and Storytelling

During class, we were asked to evaluate the following questions:

  1. What are your technical concerns?
  • Venturing out to locations
  • Filming in the cold
  • Printing and layout

2. What are your conceptual concerns?

  • Emotional range
  • Authenticity and Relate-ability

3. Existential concerns?

  • What it looks like in my head vs What it actually looks like
  • Actually, I think this is more of a technical matter. I think it’s also a matter of practice over time.
  • Existential concerns = 0

Starting my writing process

Here are is my tentative color palette:

How to approach the theme of Love?

There’s almost TOO many ways to approach it.

I think I am called to write something a bit between calm and chaos.

Love vs Fear as they all say.

How does this concept fit within the “Anthropocene”. I think there is this idea of “awe” and “wonder” that I want people to feel as they watch the documentary/video essay. Awe for people and for their communities. I think that is the kind of love+fear I’m trying to get at.

Who will showcase this point of view of awe?

Maybe two cats as characters narrating the way they see humans and the images I film?

cat#1: fear/worry/hate/resentment

cat#2: tranquility/calm/awe/wonder

I also want to include some kind of narrative using this quote from Vanilla Sky:

“I’ll see you in another life when we are both cats”

Also, I have to figure out if I want to have a whale swimming through the sky as the planes move on the screen. Maybe including ethereal whale sounds for that sequence.

And maybe including an astronaut who is the owner of one of the cats. The cat really misses the astronaut. Maybe that’s why the cat goes evil and begins wishing havoc on Earth. Is that the plot of interstellar….? Sort of but not really.

And what of the good cat? Forgiveness and forgetting?

We’ll see.

hope you are all well,


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